Thursday, December 13, 2007

Best Way to Reduce a Nighttime Cough

Honey - Nature's Prescription

Many parents are concerned about the recent FDA recommendation that over-the-counter cough and cold medicines not be given to children under 6 years of age because of a lack of effectiveness and potential for side effects.

With this recent news in mind, a team of researchers from the Penn State College of Medicine decided to put nature to the test.

They tested the effectiveness of three different approaches for children who were having trouble sleeping due to a cough. The children in the study were given either no treatment at all, alittle bit of buckwheat honey or dextromethorphan (DM), the chemical cough suppressant found in many over-the-counter cold medicines. The children receiving the honey or DM took it about 30 minutes before bedtime.

The research team found that honey was more effective in reducing the severity and frequency of nighttime cough compared with DM or no treatment at all. Honey also allowed the children to sleep better. The findings are published in the December, 2007, issue of the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

According to the study’s lead researcher, Dr. Ian Paul, Penn State’s director of pediatric clinical research: "Honey provided the greatest relief of symptoms compared with the other treatments. With honey, parents now have a safe and effective alternative to use for children over age 1 that have cough and cold symptoms”. Some of the children were hyperactive for a short time after being given the honey, Dr. Paul said. However, children who received honey slept better and so did their parents, he noted.

Paul cautioned that honey should never be given to children younger than 1, because of the rare risk of infantile botulism. In addition, he noted, cough medicines that mention "honey" on the label actually contain artificial honey flavor not real honey.

Honey has been used for centuries to treat upper respiratory infection symptoms such as cough. In addition, honey has antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, and also soothes the back of the throat.

Once again, science has proven that food really can be your medicine.

Hook Up With Health and Honey Today!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Are Artifical Food Coloring and Chemical Preservatives a Health Danger?

The possibility that artificial food colorings and chemical
preservatives could affect your or your child’s behavior has been a hotly contested issue for decades.

Now proof is available. The September 2007 issue of the Lancet Medical Journal now provides a clear demonstration that changes in behavior can be detected in three-year-
old and eight-year-old children who ingest these artificial
processed food additives.

Psychology Professor James Stevenson of the University of Southampton and colleagues conducted tests on more than 300 children. They found significant differences in the children’s behavior when they drank fruit drinks with a mixture of common processed food additives including artificial food colorings and chemical preservatives.

“These findings show that adverse effects are not just seen in
children with extreme hyperactivity (such as ADHD) but can also be seen in the general population and across the range of
severities of hyperactivity,” the researchers wrote in their
study. The team of researchers commented that “the implications of these results for the regulation of food additive use could be substantial”.

Many parents today feel pressured by doctors and school
officials into treating their children’s symptoms with
narcotic medications. After witnessing the side effects, many
wish they had not.

On the other hand, wonderful non-profit groups like The Feingold Association ( have a 30 year track
record and a 90% success rate in alleviating such symptoms by simply changing the child’s diet.

If you are a parent who is concerned about your child’s behavior, please visit The Feingold Association’s website for more information. We also encourage you to offer your children Wholefood Farmacy foods which contain NO artificial colorings, NO artificial flavorings, NO artificial sweeteners and NO chemical preservatives.

Maybe ADD should really stand for Artificial Diet Disorder – we encourage you to give your family and nature a chance by eliminating artifcial sweetners and chemical preservatives from your diet today. Replace ‘junk’ food with great tasting snacks and meal replacement from

Hook up with an artifical sweetner and chemical preservative free diet today! Do it for your family!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

How to Reduce LDL (Bad) Cholesterol and the Risk of Heart Disease

Back in 1993, the original Walnut Study from Loma Linda University made headlines around the world and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Why all the excitement? Because Loma Linda University had broken new ground. They were the first to find that walnuts in a controlled diet reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol and heart disease risk significantly more than the Step 1 diet that was then recommended by the American Heart Association. In other words - they proved, scientifically, that food really can be your medicine.

In April 2000, another landmark walnut study was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The study, a follow-up to the 1993 Loma Linda study, was conducted at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. Researchers had 49 men and women with high cholesterol incorporate walnuts into a healthy Mediterranean diet, substituting a handful of walnuts a day for some of the monounsaturated fat in the diet. Participants lowered their "bad" LDL cholesterol by almost 6 per cent and heart disease risk by 11 per cent beyond what would be expected from the Mediterranean diet alone.

The Loma Linda study participants substituted walnuts, one of nature's richest sources of polyunsaturated fat, for saturated fat. The Barcelona participants substituted walnuts for another healthy fat. Barcelona scientists also remarked on the ease of incorporating walnuts into the diet. According to researcher Juan Carlos Laguna, Ph.D., "That's the main point of the study. You eat a normal amount, like five or six walnuts a day. That's something you can do every day without any problem."

You can find Walnuts in many of your favorite Wholefood Farmacy foods such as Phi Plus, Cranberry Phi, Coco Cherry Phi and TropiPhi.

Hook Up With Health and Walnuts Today to lower your Bad Cholesterol

With your Health and Wellness Through Food In Mind!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Amazing Health Benefits of Corn

There's a wonderful whole grain food that is a good source of vitamin B1, Vitamin B5, Folate, Fiber, Vitamin C, Phosphorous, Manganese and a nutrient called Beta-Cryptoxanthin. Would you be surprised to hear the food is CORN?

Yes, Corn.

It has been estimated that consumption of 100% of the daily value of Folate would, by itself, reduce the number of heart attacks suffered by Americans each year by 10%. Doesn't eating a food that can help lower your risk of heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease make sense?

In addition Folate helps prevent birth defects and Folate-rich diets are also associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. Consuming foods rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, an orange-red carotenoid found in high amounts in corn, may also significantly lower one's risk of developing lung cancer.

A study published in the September, 2003 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention reviewed dietary and lifestyle data collected from over 63,000 adults in Shanghai, China, who were followed for 8
years. Those eating the most crytpoxanthin-rich foods showed a 27% reduction in lung cancer risk. When current smokers were evaluated, those who were also in the group consuming the most cryptoxanthin-rich foods were found to have a 37% lower risk of lung cancer compared to smokers who ate the least of these health-
protective foods.

Corn is also a good source of Thiamin which is a nutrient essential to good brain cell health and mental function. The brain uses Thiamin to make a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine which is essential for good memory. In addition, maintaining healthy acetylcholine levels may help to reduce the
risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Research reported at the 2004 American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) International Conference on Food, Nutrition and Cancer, by Rui Hai Liu, M.D., Ph.D., and his colleagues at Cornell University shows that whole grains, such as corn, contain many powerful phytonutrients whose activity has gone unrecognized
because common research methods have overlooked them. Dr. Liu’s team measured the antioxidant activity of various foods, assigning each a rating based on a formula. Broccoli measured 80, Spinach 81, Apples 98, Bananas 65, but Corn topped them all measuring a whopping 181.

Wholefood Farmacy foods which are made with Corn include Cornucopia, Cornaborealis, Corn of Plenty, V-10 Creamy Yam Soup and V-12 Creamy Vegetable Soup. We encourage you to make Corn and other whole grains a part of your food choices each and every day!

Hook Up With Health and eat delicious Corn today!

PS. To maintain the wonderful health benefits of corn remember to go light on the butter!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The October 22nd New York Times newspaper includes an article entitled “Five Easy Ways to Go Organic”. This article, found below, highlights the main reasons why you should switch to organics for five foods commonly purchased by most households. As you read this article remember uses only organic foods and are actively involved with the USDA Organic Food certification process to gain their seal of approval.

Got organic milk? (Tony Cenicola/The New York Times)

Switching to organic is tough for many families who don’t want to pay higher prices or give up their favorite foods. But by choosing organic versions of just a few foods that you eat often, you can increase the percentage of organic food in your diet without big changes to your shopping cart or your spending.

The key is to be strategic in your organic purchases. Opting for organic produce, for instance, doesn’t necessarily have a big impact, depending on what you eat. According to the Environmental Working Group, commercially-farmed fruits and vegetables vary in their levels of pesticide residue. Some vegetables, like broccoli, asparagus and onions, as well as foods with peels, such as avocados, bananas and oranges, have relatively low levels compared to other fruits and vegetables.

So how do you make your organic choices count? Pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene, whose new book “Raising Baby Green” explains how to raise a child in an environmentally-friendly way, has identified a few “strategic” organic foods that he says can make the biggest impact on the family diet.

1. Milk: “When you choose a glass of conventional milk, you are buying into a whole chemical system of agriculture,'’ says Dr. Greene. People who switch to organic milk typically do so because they are concerned about the antibiotics, artificial hormones and pesticides used in the commercial dairy industry. One recent United States Department of Agriculture survey found certain pesticides in about 30 percent of conventional milk samples and low levels in only one organic sample. The level is relatively low compared to some other foods, but many kids consume milk in large quantities.

2. Potatoes: Potatoes are a staple of the American diet — one survey found they account for 30 percent of our overall vegetable consumption. A simple switch to organic potatoes has the potential to have a big impact because commercially-farmed potatoes are some of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables. A 2006 U.S.D.A. test found 81 percent of potatoes tested still contained pesticides after being washed and peeled, and the potato has one of the the highest pesticide contents of 43 fruits and vegetables tested, according to the Environmental Working Group.

Go organic with kid favorites like peanut butter. (Lars Klove/The New York Times)
3. Peanut butter: More acres are devoted to growing peanuts than any other fruits, vegetable or nut, according to the U.S.D.A. More than 99 percent of peanut farms use conventional farming practices, including the use of fungicide to treat mold, a common problem in peanut crops. Given that some kids eat peanut butter almost every day, this seems like a simple and practical switch. Commercial food firms now offer organic brands in the regular grocery store, but my daughter loves to go to the health food store and grind her own peanut butter.

4. Ketchup: For some families, ketchup accounts for a large part of the household vegetable intake. About 75 percent of tomato consumption is in the form of processed tomatoes, including juice, tomato paste and ketchup. Notably, recent research has shown organic ketchup has about double the antioxidants of conventional ketchup.
Organic apples are readily available. (The New York Times)

5. Apples: Apples are the second most commonly eaten fresh fruit, after bananas, and they are also used in the second most popular juice, after oranges, according to Dr. Greene. But apples are also one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits and vegetables. The good news is that organic apples are easy to find in regular grocery stores.

For a complete list of Dr. Greene’s strategic organic choices, visit Organic Rx on his website.

Hook Up With Health and Organic Food Today!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Raw Food vs. The American Diet (aka "The Great American Rat Experiment")

The following is an account of a three-part experiment comparing the effects of raw foods versus cooked foods - as fed to rats . This account is taken from a book titled “Goldot“, by Lewis E. Cook, Jr. and Junko Yasui:

“It has been found that a group of rats were fed diet of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains from birth grew into completely healthy specimens and never suffered from any disease. They were never ill. They grew rapidly, but never became fat, mated with enthusiasm and had healthy offspring. They were always gently affectionate and playful and lived in perfect harmony with each other. Upon reach an old age, equivalent to 80 years in humans, these experimental rats were put to death and autopsied. At that advanced age their organs, glands, tissues all body processes appeared to be in perfect condition without any sign of aging or deterioration.

“A companion group of rats we fed a diet comparable to that of the average American and included white bread, cooked foods, meats, milk, salt, soft drinks, candies, cakes, vitamins and other supplements, medicines for their ails, etc. During their lifetime these rats became fat and, from the earliest age, contracted most of the diseases of modern American society including colds, fever, pneumonia, poor vision, cataracts, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and many more ailments.

“Most of this group died prematurely at early ages but during their lifetime most of them were vicious, snarling beasts, fighting with one another stealing one another’s food and attempting to kill each other. They had to be kept apart to prevent total destruction of the entire group. Their offspring were all sick and exhibited the same general characteristics as there parents.
“As this group of rats died one by one or in epidemics of various diseases, autopsies were performed revealing extensive degenerative conditions in every part of their bodies. All organs, glands and tissues were affected, as were the skin, hair, blood and nervous system. They were all truly total physical and nervous wrecks. The same condition existed in the few, which survived full duration of the experiment.

“A third companion group of rats was fed the same diet as the second group to an age equivalent to about 40 years in humans. They displayed the same general symptoms of the second group ­ being sick and vicious so that they had to be separated to prevent them from killing each other and stealing one another food.

“At the end of this initial period all rats in this group were placed on a strict fast, with only water to drink for a period of several days. Then they received the same natural (raw) diet as the first group of rats. This diet was alternated with periods of fast and within one mouth behavioral pattern had changed completely so that the now docile, affectionate, playful creatures were once again able to live together in a harmonious society and from this point on never suffered any illness.

“Several rats put to death and autopsied at the end of the initial period revealing the same general deterioration as that exhibited in the second group of rats. However, the remaining rats lived out the full duration of the experiment, to the equivalent of 80 years in humans, and when they were autopsied there were no signs of aging or deterioration or disease - just as those in the first group. The obvious disease, degeneration and deterioration of body parts evident in their first half of life had been completely reversed and excellent health restored.
“The same principles apply to human life as there is only one truth! YOUR DIET plays a huge role in your health and well being.

Decide right now to live a life of health, wellness, and playfulness by eating right.

Hook Up With Health can help support your goal with the great tasting raw food and snacks you need to support your healthier life-style.

Check us out, we’re just a click away.

Hook Up With A Healthy Diet Today!

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Harvard School For Public Health now has a very advanced diabetes risk test on their website.

We, at HOOK UP WITH HEALTH, encourage you to take the test to see if you are at risk for Diabetes.

Click the link below for the Harvard Diabetes Test.

Hook Up With Health and Awareness Today

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Can Children Learn to Eat Healthy?

Teaching children from a young age to eat healthy fats can have lifelong health benefits according to

a new study
published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation in August, 2007.

The study focused on over one thousand children in Findland who were followed from the age of 7

months through age 14. The
researchers found that children who were taught to focus on the

healthy fats found in fish, nuts, seeds, and plant oils had slightly lower cholesterol levels compared

to children who ate an
unrestricted diet by the time they reached the age of 14.

Dr. Art Labovitz, cardiology director at Saint Louis University School of Medicine pointed out that even a

small decrease in
cholesterol levels can have a big influence over the course of your child’s life.

“If you study large numbers of people, the
small increments result in a significant change in heart attacks

and cardiac deaths,” said Dr. Art Labovitz.

Dr. Harri Niinikoski, lead author of the study done at the
University of Turku in Finland, said children begin

forming their
eating and lifestyle habits in childhood. “We think that this lifestyle change can be started

early,” he said.

Dr. Sarah Blumenschein, a pediatric cardiologist with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical

Center, said the study
shows that early intervention is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. “The

earlier you intervene, the more likely you are
going to be successful,” she said.

The key is to teach your children, starting as young as possilbe,
to appreciate the healthy fats found in

fish, nuts, seeds, and
plant oils. By avoiding the saturated fas and trans fats which are in most

processed foods,
fast foods and junk foods – your children will lower their total fat intake and enjoy more

of the benefits that healthy fats have
to offer. As your children grow into their teens and begin eating

more meals away from home, their healthy habits will guide them
towards healthier food choices when


We encourage parents everywhere to read the nutrition information on the foods that their children eat.

The healthy fats are listed
as unsaturated fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

The unhealthy fats are listed as saturated fats and trans fats.

Wholefood Farmacy foods are rich in heart healthy fats which are found in nuts, seeds, and plant oils –

and these foods offer you
a wonderful way to encourage healthy eating habits with your children starting

at a young age. Great tasting Whole Food Farmacy foods, such as Phi Plus, Cornucopia,
and Bucky Balls can be easily introduced to your children.
Please note, many of the Whole Food Farmacy products are a combination of wonderfully healthy

ingredients therefore it is advisable to read the nutritional information available on each product ahead

of your purchase to prevent issues children may have with food allergies.

Hook your children up with heart healthy meal replacements and snacks today!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Antioxidants are 'Berry' Good For You

Antioxidants are natural substances found in plants, which are known to aid in the prevention of heart disease, cancer and stroke.

Berries have an especially high level of antioxidants, according to a recent study published in the journal BioFactors Vol. 23, pages 197-205). The pigments that give berries their rich red to blue, black and purple colors are a type of
phytochemical that has been shown to have significant disease-fighting, cell-protecting antioxidant capacity. In addition to boosting your immune system, these valuable compounds are also known to slow the effects of aging by improving things like memory, balance, coordination and motor skills.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC Value) of foods is a measurement of the Antioxidant levels. The higher the ORAC Value, the more Antioxidants a food has. It's believed that foods high in these powerful nutrients give the body its greatest protection.

Berries are some of the most delicious and powerful disease-fighting foods available. Blueberries are among fruits and vegetables with the highest Antioxidant levels with an ORAC Value of 5486. Right behind blueberries are blackberries with an ORAC
Value of 4654; strawberries at 3520 and raspberries, 2789. Berry ORAC levels top that of many other fruits and vegetables such as oranges, grapefruit, cherries, plums, brussell sprouts, broccoli and spinach.

Single servings of fresh or freshly cooked fruits and vegetables supply an average of 600-800 ORAC units. Scientists believe that increasing intake of foods that provide 2000-5000 units per day may be needed to increase serum and tissue antioxidant activity
sufficiently to improve health outcomes. This is why it’s important to eat 5 to 9 servings daily of fruits and vegetables.

Hook Up with Health makes it easy and convenient to get your 5 to 9 servings f fruits and vegetables each day. Enjoy the very best that nature has to offer with Phi Plus, Trophi Phi, and many of our other great tasting snack and meal replacements. Check out the nutritional value of each product.

Hook up with Berries and Antioxidants today!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Why is Dietary Fiber Important?

Whole foods contain two types of Dietary fiber, or roughage that is very beneficial for your body. The two types are soluble and insoluble and are found only in the cell walls of plant food.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water and is found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. It cuts cholesterol and adds to your feeling of fullness.

Good sources of Soluble fiber are oats, oat bran, oatmeal, apples, citrus fruits, strawberries, dried beans, barley, rye flour, potatoes, raw cabbage, and pasta.

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and is found in whole grain brans, fruit pulp, and vegetable peels and skins.

Good sources of Insoluble fiber are wheat bran, whole wheat products, cereals made from bran or shredded wheat, crunchy vegetables, barley, grains, whole wheat pasta, and rye flour.

Insoluble fiber is strongly linked to cancer protection and improved waste removal. Results have shown that increasing dietary fiber decreases the risk of colorectal cancer.

A New England Journal of Medicine Study (1999), suggests the protective effect on the colon may be due to fiber's tendency to add bulk to your digestive system, shortening the amount of time that wastes travel through the colon. As this waste often contains carcinogens, it is best if it is removed as quickly as possible. Thus, the claim, increasing fiber can decrease chances for your intestinal cells to be affected.

Please note, recent studies suggest that small increases in fiber, such as adding vegetables to a chicken stir-fry or having a hamburger on a whole wheat bun, though helpful, do not offer as much protection for the colon as would replacing high-fat, animal products such as chicken, fish, cheese, and eggs with plant foods. Eating plant foods boosts fiber to levels where real protection is possible.

Keep in mind, when bacteria in the lower intestine break down fiber, a substance called butyrate is produced which may inhibit the growth of tumors of the colon and rectum as reported in the Journal of Oncology Research in 2000.

The Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999) also reported that Dietary fiber may help protect against breast cancer, an effect noted especially with consumption of whole grains and wheat bran. Additionally, studies suggest that high amounts of fiber may also prevent breast cancer by binding to estrogen.

Dietary fiber may also have a protective effect against mouth, throat, and esophageal cancers according to a study published in the International Journal of Cancer in 2001.

If you're like most North Americans, you take in only 10 to 15 grams of fiber per day. However, most studies have shown that optimal intake for cancer prevention is at least 30 to 35 grams per day.

To get the full range of the cancer-fighting phytochemicals that fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains contain it's best to choose fiber-rich foods over fiber supplements.

When getting the right percentage of Dietary fiber into your digestive system is challenging is here to help. Our DetoxiPhi adds 10 grams of fiber to your daily diet. Just mix it with water or juice and drink your way to better health.

For better health, Hook up with Dietary Fiber and DetoxiPhi today.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

What type of Pepper can get Prostate Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct?

Capsaicin (pronounced: cap-say-a-sin) is the stuff that turns up the heat in jalapeños. Not only does it cause the tongue to burn, it also drives prostate cancer cells to self-destruct, according to studies published in the March 15, 2006, issue of Cancer Research.

According to a team of researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical and their colleagues from UCLA, the capsaicin in hot peppers caused human prostate cancer cells to undergo “programmed cell death”, a process otherwise known as apoptosis (pronounced: ap-op-toe-sys).

Apoptosis is a natural process in many tissues that maintains a healthy balance between newer replacement cells and aged or worn out cells. In other words, the old worn out cells are naturally programmed to self-destruct. Cancer cells, on the other hand, often dodge this process by mutating the genes that participate in the process of apoptosis

This new research showed that capsaicin induced approximately 80 percent of prostate cancer cells growing in mice to follow the molecular pathways leading to apoptosis. Moreover, prostate cancer tumors treated with capsaicin were about one-fifth the size of tumors in non-treated mice.

“Capsaicin had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture,” said Sören Lehmann, M.D., Ph.D., visiting scientist at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine. “It also dramatically slowed the development of prostate tumors formed by those human cell lines grown in mouse models.”

Lehmann estimated that the dose of pepper extract fed orally to the mice was equivalent to giving 400 milligrams of capsaicin three times a week to a 200 pound man, roughly equivalent to between three and eight fresh habañera peppers per week – depending on the pepper’s capsaicin content.

The pepper extract also curbed the growth of prostate cancer cells through regulation of androgen receptors, the steroid activated proteins that control expression of specific growth relating genes. On top of all that, the hot pepper component also reduced cancer cell production of PSA, a protein that often is produced in high quantities by prostate tumors and can signal the presence of prostate cancer in men. PSA is regulated by androgens, and capsaicin limited androgen-induced increases of PSA in the cancer cell lines.

Habañeras are the highest rated pepper for capsaicin content according to the Scoville heat index. Habañera peppers, which are native to the Yucatan, typically contain up to 300,000 Scoville units. The more popular Jalapeño variety from Oaxaca, Mexico, and the southwest United States, contains 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units.

Hook up with capsaicin and a healthy prostate today!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Can Raw Food Cure Illness?

In March 2005 Dr. James Howenstine, MD. wrote and article for addressing the very question, "Can Raw Food Cure Illness?"

He writes, "How much raw foods can accomplish in treating chronic illnesses is well illustrated by the immigrant Russian, Igor Boutenko’s family. Their son Sergie, age 9, was a heavy consumer of dairy products who had become obese and developed juvenile diabetes with blood sugars ranging from 200 to 400. His mother was encouraged to have him stop the use of dairy products and cooked foods and eat only raw foods. He initially balked but when confronted with the prospect of a life full of insulin injections decided to give the diet a try (high intake of dairy products is known to produce juvenile diabetes). Within two weeks he felt so much better he asked his mother if he could continue the raw food diet. Five months later his blood sugars had returned to normal. He remains in good health at age 20.

Father Igor at age 38 had developed hyperthyroidism with white hair, insomnia, fatigue, heart rate of 150 and a progressing arthritis. He was advised to have radioiodine therapy. Igor began the raw food diet and in a few months all his symptoms were gone.

Daughter Valya had been ill from infancy and developed asthma at age 9 with fatigue. On the raw diet her asthma disappeared as did the fatigue.

Doug Graham DC grew up taking antibiotics. He had nasal tubes to drain his sinuses and was annoyed by severe dandruff and a progressive spinal arthritis. At age 23 he already had severe changes of osteoarthritis in neck x-rays. At age 25 he started a raw food diet. Within 3 years all his symptoms had disappeared and his neck x-rays had returned to normal. The healing of bony abnormalities by simple dietary changes gives strong proof about the importance of what we eat."

These individuals are not alone in moving toward perfect health by changing their diet. Whole Food Farmacy receives numerous testimonials which speak of the amazing health benefits customers receive while on the 13-Day Tri-Decathlon and the 13-Day Liquithon.

Can eating raw food help your health condition? Isn't it worth it to you to find out how great you can feel in just13-Days?

Try the 13-day Tri-Decathlon or Liquithon today at

You may be surprised by an additional benefit of moving toward your ideal weight. Now wouldn't that be great!

With your health and wellness through raw food in mind.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Little Red Berry That Could!

Imagine a little red berry that fights cancer, age-related diseases like loss of memory, heart disease, ulcers, and even cavities. Sound to good to be true? Allow us to introduce our friend, the Cranberry!

In 1996 laboratory studies conducted by University of Illinois scientists and published in Planta Medica demonstrated the potential anti-cancer properties of cranberries. More recently researchers at the University of Western Ontario demonstrated, in animal models, that human breast cancer cells showed significantly lower incidence of tumor development when the experimental group's diet was supplemented with cranberries.

USDA scientists at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University have been finding promising results associated with diets high in antioxidants and other phytonutrients. Preliminary studies suggest that diets containing fruits and vegetables with high ORAC values may provide protection against chronic age-related afflictions like loss of coordination and loss of memory. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity which is a measure of the antioxidant activity for a particular food. Cranberries score very high on the ORAC scale at 1750 ORAC units per 3.5 oz. serving.

A study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that a unique cranberry juice component, a high-molecular-weight nondialysable material (NDM), has the ability to reverse and inhibit the coaggregation of certain oral bacteria responsible for dental plaque and periodontal disease in vitro. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition reported on a preliminary clinical trial using a mouthwash containing cranberry NDM. Saliva samples of the experimental group showed a two order of magnitude reduction in Streptococcus Mutans compared with the placebo group. This is exciting news because a large percentage of cavities can be attributed to Streptococcus Mutans.

Flavonoids have been shown to function as potent antioxidants both in vitro and in vivo and may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Cranberries contain significant amounts of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds that have been demonstrated to inhibit LDL (bad cholesterol) oxidation. Ongoing research continues to suggest that cranberries may offer a natural defense against atherosclerosis.

Peptic ulcers are increasingly being attributed to infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, as oopposed to stress and/or stomach acidity. A high-molecular-weight nondialysable constituent of cranberry juice has been shown to inhibit the adhesion of H. pylori to human gastric mucus in vitro. These preliminary results suggest that cranberry may be beneficial in the prevention of peptic ulcers through the inhibition of H. pylori adhesion to gastric mucus and stomach tissue.

You can find cranberries in your favorite Wholefood Farmacy foods such as, Cranberry Phi , Phi Plus, Fruitalicious, and Fruitalicious Plus. Cranberries are also an awesome addition to a smoothie made from any of our fruit based Farinas such as BeautiPhi, ClariPhi, ElectriPhi, FructiPhi & GloriPhi. Here’s an idea to try – in blender, add 2 tbsp of your choice of Farina, a little ice water, a couple of ice cubes and a handful of cranberries. Blend on high for about 30 seconds and enjoy!

Hook Up with the Cranberry - The Little Red Berry That Could improve your Health Today!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Are you Dehydrated?

Dehydration, says Dr. Marofsky, is a condition that occurs when you lose more fluids than you are taking in. The amount of fluid in your body then drops below the level needed for normal body function. This fluid is made up of water, electrolytes, and waste products. Surprisingly, your body loses about 2.5 liters of water per day through urine, sweat, and evaporation from your breath.

"Electrolyte" is a scientific term for salt ions. Body fluids -- blood, plasma, interstitial fluid (fluid between cells) -- are like seawater and have high concentrations of sodium chloride, containing the electrolytes sodium and chloride. Your body contains other important electrolytes including potassium, calcium, and bicarbonate. It uses electrolytes to carry important electrical signals to and from the brain.

Dehydration symptoms start when 2% of your normal water volume is lost. They include dizziness, headaches, dry skin and mouth, cramps, profuse sweating, darker and less urine. More severe symptoms may include: impaired mental performance, stumbling, shriveled skin, sunken eyes, muscular spasm, and nausea, and could eventually lead to heat stroke. Thirst is an indicator of dehydration, but not an early warning sign. By the time you feel thirsty, dehydration has occurred.

Avoid dehydration by drinking water and replenishing the necessary electrolytes. Your body is made up of 60% to 70% water which is essential for digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, joint lubrication, and detoxification.

Dr. Howard Flaks, a bariatric (obesity) specialist in Beverly Hills, California, says, "By not drinking enough water, many people incur excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, decreased digestive efficiency and organ function, increased toxicity in the body, joint and muscle soreness, and water retention." The minimum amount of water recommended for a healthy adult is 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses a day. Your body will require more on hot days or when engaged in physical activity.

Incredibly 10% of Americans drink no water at all, and unfortunately, drink about 6 servings a day of coffee, soda, and other caffeinated beverages. These drinks cause the body to lose water, making the problem worse.

Hook Up With Health and the Wholefood Farmacy Stardust 2 Hydr8 for a great way to help your body to operate at peak performance and to maintain proper hydration. Mixing one level teaspoon of Stardust 2 Hydr8 with a gallon of water and then drinking one or two glasses per day is a wonderful way to keep up your levels of electrolyte and to stay properly hydrated.

Hook Up With Health by staying properly hydrated today!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Why are Electolytes Important?

The human body is an “electrical machine”. All vital bodily functions happen as a result of electrical signals being sent between the various parts of your body and your brain. In order for your body to operate at peak performance, these electrical signals must be conducted in an efficient manner- this is where electrolytes come in.

Electrolytes are substances that will conduct electricity when dissolved in water – the most common electrolyte in your body is salt.

Your body is 70% water, about two-thirds of the water resides inside your cells, (intracellular fluid) and about one-third resides outside of your cells, (extra cellular fluid). Your body works constantly to make sure that the intracellular fluid and extra cellular fluid have the same amount of electrolyte concentration – this is a very important component of homeostasis or your body’s inner balance.

The mechanisms that monitor and adjust the balance of electrolytes respond only to changes in extra cellular fluid such as blood. When someone is ill or injured and taken to the hospital, one of the first and most common procedures is to hang an I.V. which simply means injecting salt water directly into the blood stream. Doing so helps the body to operate better because electrical signals moving between the brain and the body can be better conducted.

In addition, when salt is added to the extra cellular fluid it causes water to move between the intracellular and extra cellular areas allowing the body to become properly hydrated. This is why athletes, for example, take salt pills or drink “sports drinks” during work-outs. Sports drinks are simply salt water, or other electrolyte solutions, mixed with artificial colorings, artificial flavorings, artificial sweeteners and chemical preservatives.

The Wholefood Farmacy offers a wonderful product called Stardust 2 Hydr8 for only $8 and it allows you to make 20 gallons of a pure, hydrating electrolyte solution. When mixed with water, Stardust 2 Hydr8 offers you all of the benefits of a saline or electrolyte solution without any needles or artificial additives. It is made from pure salt and bicarbonate which are the main components of extra cellular fluid. Stardust 2 Hydra8 is mixed one tea spoon to a gallon of water creating a mildly saline solution - also referred to as an "electrolyte solution".

Stardust 2 Hydr8 is a great way to help your body to operate at peak performance and to maintain proper hydration. Mixing one level teaspoon of Stardust 2 Hydr8 with a gallon of water and then drinking one or two glasses per day is a wonderful way to keep up your levels of electrolyte and to stay properly hydrated.

Hook up with Stardust 2 Hydr8 and proper hydration today!

Friday, June 01, 2007

200% More Antioxidant Power

Science has recently discovered the benefits of eating Almonds in their whole form. Recent research reveals that the flavonoids in "almond skin" works synergistically with the vitamin E found in almonds. This synergistic combination creates more than 200% the antioxidant power of the almonds and almond skins when separated.

"We have identified a unique combination of flavonoids in almonds," said Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., senior scientist and director of the Antioxidants Research Laboratory at Tufts University. "Further blood tests demonstrated that eating almonds with their skins significantly increases both flavonoids and vitamin E in the body. This could have significant health implications, especially as people age."

Blumberg's team tested the effects of almond skin's flavonoids alone and then in combination with the vitamin E found in almonds. The tests were done on blood samples containing LDL cholesterol. While almond skin flavonoids alone enhanced LDL's resistance to oxidation by 18%, when the almond’s vitamin E was added, LDL's resistance to oxidation was extended by 52.5%!

"The synergy between the flavonoids and vitamin E in almonds demonstrates how the nutrients in whole foods such as almonds can impact health," says Dr. Blumberg.

You can find almonds at in many of your favorite foods such as Phi Plus, Cranberry Phi, Coco Cherry Phi as well as all seven Wholefood Farmacy Farinas!

Hook Up With Almonds today for 200% more Antioxidant Power!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hurry - Check out EWG's Pestiside Guide

For years, you've been able to choose foods with less fat or fewer additives. Now, with Environmental Working Group's 4th edition of the popular Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, you can minimize your chemical exposure in the produce aisle. Just go to

There you will find EWG's best and worst list of fruits and vegetables plus their recommendation to eat a varied diet, wash all produce, and choose organic when possible to reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

Hurry - get your guide today.

You can also rest assured that www.hookupwithhealth.wholefoodfarmacy products are additive free. Try great tasting meal replacements, snacks and wonderful personal care products today.

With your pesticide free health and wellness in mind!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Hook Up With Farmacy Pro-Power

New Product News!

Hook Up with Whole Food Farmacy's new "Farmacy Pro-Power" - a delicious green drink, enhanced with sought after probiotics** designed to offer smooth, clean energy combined with whole body nutritional support in only one serving per day. The refreshing mint taste is pleasing to the palette and the wonderful nutritional blend will be pleasing to your body, mind, and spirit.

Farmacy Pro-Power flavor comes from an amazing blend of Red Raspberries, Blueberries, Pineapple, Orange Juice, Apple Fiber, Green Tea, and Spearmint.

Farmacy Pro-Power is a combination of proprietary blends which include an Energy Blend, Immune Support Blend, Digestion Blend, Cellular Repair Antioxidant Blend and a Healthy Aging Blend.

Siberian Ginseng - Eleutherococcus, Suma, Stevia, Bamboo, Cinnamon, 
Gingko Biloba - 24%, Equisetum Arvense, Lecithin Powder, Nova Scotia 
Silymarin Silibum Marianum - 80%, Damiana, Astragalus Membranaceous, 
Royal Jelly 5%, Plant Enzymes: Lipase, Protease, Amylase, & Cellulase.


Organic Flax Seed Meal, Rice Bran Powder, Apple Fiber,
Apple Pectin and a healthy Non-Dairy Probiotic Culture. 
Natural Rose Hips and Acerola Berry Powder, Orange Juice Powder, Bioflavonoids (Citrus),
Blueberry Powder, Grape Seed Extract - 92%, Pineapple Powder, Green Tea Catechins - 60%,
Red Raspberry Powder, Turmeric Powder, Dandelion, Freeze Dried Aloe Vera, Spearmint, Ginger Powder,
Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol).
Organic Barley Grass Powder, Organic Beet Powder, Carrot Powder, Parsley Powder, Chlorella (cracked cell),
Spirulina Powder and Watercress Powder.

Antioxidants found in Red Raspberries, Blueberries, and Green Tea can help extend the life of your cells and
aid in healthy aging. Silicia rich Bamboo and Horsetail can help strengthen hair, nails, and connective
tissues (ligaments, muscles, bones, joints, and skin). Ginger, Tumeric, and Aloe Vera can help reduce
inflammation and support the recovery of sore muscles. Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Parsley, Watercress, and fiber
all contribute to detoxification of the liver, kidneys, and colon.
Moreover, Farmacy Pro-Power contains absolutely NO fillers, added sugar, yeast, corn, wheat, soy protein,
dairy, egg, MSG, GMOs, preservatives, or artificial ingredients.

Farmacy Pro-Power will be appealing to young and old alike and will offer a wonderful alternative to
commercial energy drinks. Many parents are concerned about these commercial energy drinks which are
little more than a combination of sugar, caffeine, artificial coloring, and chemical preservatives.

Now you and your kids can enjoy the pure, smooth, clean energy that nature provides combined amazing
whole body nutritional support.
Please note: Farmacy Pro-Power will be taking the place of Farmacy Greens. 
Farmacy Pro-Power offers a wonderful way to Hook Up With Health right now.

Try Farmacy Pro-Power today at

You're just one click away from feeling great today... so try all new Farmacy Pro-Power right now at

**Probiocs defined by Wikipedia

Probiotics are dietary supplements containing potentially beneficial bacteria or yeast, with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as the most common microbes used. LAB have been used in the food industry for many years, because they are able to convert sugars (including lactose) and other carbohydrates into lactic acid. This not only provides the characteristic sour taste of fermentedyogurt, but acts as a preservative, by lowering the pH and creating fewer opportunities for spoilage organisms to grow.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Good news for "Chocoholics"

Some “chocoholics” who just couldn’t give up their favorite treat have inadvertently done their fellow chocolate lovers - and science - a big favor.

A recent study at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine was focused on blood platelets and blood clots. The study participants, some of whom were fond of eating chocolate, were given a list of foods to avoid – the list included chocolate. It seems that some of them ended up indulging their cravings for chocolate during the study.

Amazingly, their indulgence led to researchers to an important discovery which is believed to be the first of its kind. Through biochemical analysis, the researchers are now able to explain why just a few squares of chocolate a day can reduce the risk of heart attack death in some men and women by almost 50%. It turns out that the chocolate decreases the tendency of platelets to clot in narrow blood vessels.

“What these chocolate ‘offenders’ taught us is that the chemical in cocoa beans has a biochemical effect similar to aspirin in reducing platelet clumping, which can be fatal if a clot forms and blocks a blood vessel, causing a heart attack,” says Diane Becker, M.P.H., Sc.D., a professor at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Becker cautions that her work is not intended as a prescription to gobble up large amounts of chocolate candy, which often contains diet-busting amounts of sugar, butter and cream. But as little as 2 tablespoons a day of dark chocolate - the purest form of the candy, made from the dried extract of roasted cocoa beans - may be just what the doctor ordered.

Are you fond of eating chocolate? Try mixing your high quality dark chocolate with some Phi Plus – you might be amazed by your own findings…….

Hook up with Health and enjoy 2 tablespoons of dark chocolate Today!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Lookin for a Great DATE?

The American Cancer Society recommends that you consume 20-35 grams of dietary fiber a day. Dietary fiber comes in two forms – soluble and insoluble. Each serves a valuable function. Insoluble fiber increases the rate at which food moves through the digestive system. Soluble fiber may help control diabetes by decreasing elevated blood glucose levels. Soluble fiber also had been found to help lower serum cholesterol levels, particularly undesirable low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

Dates are a great source of dietary fiber. According to researchers at the University of Scranton in Scranton Pennsylvania, dates have the highest concentration of polyphenols among dried fruits. The findings of this research suggest that dried fruits should be a greater part of the diet as they are dense in phenol antioxidants and nutrients, most notably fiber.

A serving of power-packed dates contains 31 grams of carbohydrates, making them a powerhouse of energy. Carbohydrates include 3 grams of dietary fiber and 29 grams of naturally occurring sugars such as fructose, glucose and sucrose to provide quick energy and are readily used by the body. Dates are a perfect energy boosting snack.

Dates are one of the best natural sources of potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral your body needs to maintain muscle contractions including the vital heart muscle. Potassium is needed to maintain a healthy nervous system and to balance the body’s metabolism as well.

Since potassium is not stored in the body, and much is lost in perspiration, it must be continually replenished. As you consume potassium you excrete sodium, helping to keep blood pressure down. As people age, their kidneys become less efficient at eliminating sodium. About a 400 mg increase in potassium intake has been associated with a 40% reduction in the risk of stroke. This roughly amounts to one additional serving daily of Dates.

Dates also contain a variety of B-complex vitamins – thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 and pantothenic acid. These vitamins have a variety of functions that help maintain a healthy body – to metabolize carbohydrates and maintain blood glucose levels, fatty acids for energy, and they help make hemoglobin, the red and white blood cells. Dates also contain Magnesium which is essential for healthy bone development and for energy metabolism and Iron which is essential to red blood cell production. Red blood cells carry all the nutrients to cells throughout the body. In addition, Dates are fat and cholesterol free!

Phi Plus is our most popular food of all – it is handcrafted from dozens of whole food ingredients. Phi Plus is rich in Dates and all of their wonderful health imparting properties. Try some Phi Plus today?

Hook Up with a Great Date at

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Is rBGH in Milk Safe?

rBGH - What is it and is it safe for us to drink in milk?

rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone) is a genetically engineered, potent variant of the natural growth hormone produced by cows. Manufactured by Monsanto, it is sold to dairy farmers under the trade name POSILAC. Injection of this hormone forces cows to increase their milk production by about 10%.

Monsanto, supported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), insists that rBGH milk is indistinguishable from natural milk, and that it is safe for consumers.

According to a new book entitled "What’s In Your Milk?" An Exposé of Industry and Government Cover-Up on the DANGERS of the Genetically Engineered (rBGH) Milk You’re Drinking, with an introduction by Ben Cohen, Co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and foreword by Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the bestseller Seeds of Deception, this is blatantly false.

rBGH makes cows sick.

Monsanto has been forced to admit to about 20 toxic effects,
including mastitis, on its POSILAC label.

rBGH milk is contaminated by pus, due to the mastitis commonly induced by rBGH, and antibiotics used to treat the mastitis.

rBGH milk is chemically and nutritionally different than natural milk.

rBGH milk is contaminated with rBGH, traces of which are absorbed through the gut.

rBGH milk is supercharged with high levels of a natural growth factor (IGF-1), which is readily absorbed through the gut.

Excess levels of IGF-1 have been incriminated as a cause of breast, colon, and prostate cancers. IGF-1 blocks natural defense mechanisms against early submicroscopic cancers.

rBGH factory farms pose a major threat to the viability of small dairy farms.

rBGH enriches Monsanto, while posing dangers, without any benefits, to consumers, especially in view of the current national surplus of milk.

The risks of cancer to consumers and particularly their children, especially those enrolled in the Public School Lunch Program, are undisputable.

"What's in your Milk" follows the research of Dr. Samuel Epstein who made a very persuasive and important case about hidden dangers in every day consumer products. And not only does Epstein raise our awareness about possible carcinogens in our milk supply, but also about how special corporate interests seek to keep the public in the dark about documentation relating to health hazards of their products.

Hook Up with Health by buying rBGH-FREE Milk and other Dairy Products today!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Don't be fooled by all "ZERO" Trans Fat claims!

Some information came across my desk last week that really got me fired up and I want you to know about it and pass it along to your friends.

We have all seen the signs on our junk food - Zero Trans fats- and we feel good that we can eat these beloved products guilt free. Right? WRONG!

Do you know what Zero trans fats really means?
1. If a product has less than 1/2 gram or less per serving of Trans Fats, then the label can say "Zero Trans Fats." That's the first issue.
2. What if the serving size used to be 20 crackers? Well that has too many trans fats so now the companies manipulate the serving size to 3 crackers per serving so that the amount of trans fats per serving will be less than 1/2gram. Will you only eat 3 crackers?
3. Some products really don't have trans fats so how will you know?

You must still read the labels.
80% of the products that say Zero Trans fats have hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats in the ingredients. Read the ingredients.

Remember why we don't want trans fats? Coronary Heart Disease. Trans fats increase the LDL's or "bad cholesterol" while lowering the HDL's or "good" cholesterol. In 1994 trans fats caused 30,000 deaths from heart disease. Trans fats make your cell membranes stiff which diminishes your ability to eliminate cellular waste (getting rid of toxins.)

Hook up with health by staying informed and reading product labels - starting today.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

What's Wrong with Trans Fats?

A lot has been written about Trans Fatty Acids and how they are bad for your health. Let's explore this thinking by looking at what Dr. Frank B. Hu of the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, wrote.

"Humans cannot synthesize, or create, trans fatty acid. The only source is through diet."

Where in our diet are trans fats found?

The main source of trans fat in our diet is partially hydrogenated oils that are plentiful in cookies, crackers, pastries and fried foods.

Hu continues, "Eliminating the use of partially hydrogenated oils and other sources of trans fat in the U.S. diet -- as long as saturated fat intake doesn't increase -- will likely help reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease."

What is Partial hydrogenation?

Partical hydrogenation is an industrial process used to extend the shelf-life in baked products, provide longer fry-life for cooking oils, and provide a certain kind of texture or "mouthfeel". Partial hydrogenation also turns a perfectly good vegetable oil into a very unhealthy food ingredient. The big problem is that partially hydrogenated oils are loaded with trans fat.

What's wrong with Trans Fat?

The amount of trans fat in red blood cells correlates significantly with the amount of trans fat consumed. Trans fat is also associated with increased levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and decreased levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.

One study, which adjusted the factors that might influence the results, showed women with the highest trans fatty acid content in red blood cells were three times more likely to develop heart disease than women with the lowest trans fatty acid content in red blood cells.

Wholefood Farmacy foods have zero trans fats and zero cholesterol.

Let me repeat this...

Wholefood Farmacy foods have zero trans fats and zero cholesterol.

Wholefood Farmacy foods are also wonderfully delicious, natural, and nutritionally dense. Wholefood Farmacy products are a great way to start your family, children, and loved ones on the path to health, vitality and longevity.

Hook up with a Healthy Diet FREE of Trans Fats today!

Monday, March 19, 2007

What's the Problem with EXPIRED Box Mixes?

What's the Problem with boxed Pancake Mix - MOLD!

Mold grows in EXPIRED pancake, cake, brownie, etc mixes - so the first thing to do is check your product label for an expiration date before using the mix. IF THE EXPIRATION DATE IS PAST DUE - THROW IT OUT. Here's a TRUE STORY to learn from...

A woman recently made a batch of pancakes for her healthy 14-year-old son, using a mix that was in her pantry. He said they tasted "funny," but ate them anyway.

About 10 minutes later, he began having difficulty breathing and
his lips began turning purple. She gave him his allergy pill, had him sit on the sofa and told him to relax. He was wheezing while inhaling and exhaling.

Her husband, a volunteer Firefighter and EMT, heated up some water, and they had their son lean over the water so the steam could clear his chest and sinuses. Soon, his breathing became more regular and his lips returned to a more normal color.

They checked the date on the box of pancake mix and, to their dismay, found it was very outdated.

As a reference librarian at an academic institution, the woman had the ability to search through many research databases. She did just that, and found an article the next day that mentioned a 19-year-old male DYING after eating pancakes made with outdated mix.

Apparently, the mold that forms in old pancake mix can be toxic!

When they told their friends about their son's close call, they were surprised at the number of people who mentioned they need to check their own pancake mix since they don't use it often, or they had purchased it some time ago.

With so many people shopping at warehouse-type stores and buying large sizes of pancake mix, I hope readers will take the time to check the expiration date on their boxes.
> Also, beware of outdated cake, brownie and cookie mixes.
> PASS IT ON!!!!
> This is TRUE--Check it out!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Does the Size of Your Stomach Matter to Your Weight?

With spring in the air, millions of people are once again becoming focused on shedding those unwanted pounds that seem to sneak onto their waistlines during the winter months. Others are preparing to renew their commitment to losing weight and declaring victory once and for all – we applaud you and are here to help.

With weight loss in mind, there is probably one topic that you haven’t considered… the size of your stomach. The stomach is much like a muscle, and like any muscle it can be stretched and will remain stretched until we stop stretching it. The capacity of a normal adult’s stomach is about 4 cups by volume, but many have stretched their stomach to two or even three times it’s normal size. This can happen by eating overeating on a regular basis and in our society super sized fast food meals and all-you-can-eat buffets are only making the problem worse.

When your stomach becomes stretched as a result of overeating it will remain stretched for a period of time. After eating a huge meal before bed, some wonder why they wake up feeling hungry. It’s because the stomach has become stretched and now feels empty. If you are one who has stretched your stomach to two or even three times it’s normal size, you now have to eat two or three times a normal amount of food in order to feel full and satisfied. Have you stretched your stomach? Can you eat more than 4 cups of food and still have room for more? If so, the chances are that your stomach is in a stretched condition.

The good news is this… as soon as you stop stretching your stomach it will quickly begin to return to its normal size. Can you imagine eating a normal portion of food and feeling so full that the thought of just one more bite would seem painful to you? Helping your stomach to return to its normal size is the very foundation of a permanent solution to a weight related challenge and The Wholefood Farmacy’s 13 day program known as the Tri-Decathlon Delux can help you get there in no time at all!

If you would like complete information regarding 13 day programs and learn how to help your stomach return to its normal size - we have a 24 hour hotline that is standing by to be of service to you. This 30 minute recorded call is and educational experience beyond words and offers a complete overview of our 13 day programs along with a discussion of the underlying principles, exactly how it works, exactly how to do it and answers to frequently asked questions.

Are you ready to make a fresh start and to declare victory once? If you're committed to a healthier YOU, Dial 620-294-1381 and listen up. You will be surprised, pleased and inspired.

When you're ready, place your Tri-Decathlon Order at

Hook up with Health, a smaller stomach, and great tasting and extremely satisfying food to put in it.

Have a Healthy Day!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Does an Apple a Day REALLY have an impact?

You've heard it a thousand times. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Did you ever stop and ask yourself how? Today you will find out the secret behind that Granny Smith, Rome, or Delicious Apple.

True, "Eating your fruits and vegetables" is one of the tried and true recommendations for a healthy diet - and for good reason. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can help you ward off heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent some types of cancer, avoid a painful intestinal ailment called diverticulitis, and guard against cataract and macular degeneration, two common causes of vision loss.

But what does "plenty" mean? More than most Americans consume!

The latest dietary guidelines call for five to thirteen servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Imagine eating 15 golden delicious, Washington, or Macintosh a day. That's a lot - isn't it?

The largest and longest study to date, completed as part of the Harvard-based Nurses' Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study, included almost 110,000 men and women whose health and dietary habits were followed for 14 years. The higher the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables, the lower the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. According to these two Harvard studies, for every extra serving of fruits and vegetables that participants added to their diets per day, their risk of heart disease dropped by 4 percent.

Increasing fruit and vegetable intake by as little as one serving per day can have a real impact on heart disease risk. That's right, just one winesap apple a day will do it!

Fruits and vegetables are clearly an important part of a good diet. Almost everyone can benefit from eating more of them, but variety is as important as quantity. No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. The key lies in the variety of different fruits and vegetables that you eat.

That’s why your favorite Hook up with Health Wholefood Farmacy Foods are made from a wide variety of great tasting fruits and veggies!

Fruitalicious, Fruitalicious Plus, Veggielicious and Veggielicious Spice offer a delicious and very convenient way for you, your family and your children to get plenty of fruits and veggies every day. YUM!

Hook up Health and one more piece of fruit a day!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

YAMS - Why are they SO GOOD for you?

Did you know that Yams are a good source of both potassium and vitamin B6, two nutrients that your body needs every day? That's right. Yams containg both Vitamin B6 and Potassium, plus more.

Vitamin B6 helps your body break down a substance called homocysteine, which can cause damage to blood vessel walls. High intakes of vitamin B6 have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Potassium is a mineral that helps to control blood pressure. In the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study, one study group ate servings of fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy food in place of snacks and sweets. This approach offered more potassium, magnesium and calcium. After eight weeks, this group lowered their blood pressure by an average of 5.5 points (systolic) over 3.0 points (diastolic). Yams also contain a storage protein called Dioscorin. Preliminary research suggests that Dioscorin can help your body to achieve increased kidney blood flow thereby reducing blood pressure.

In addition, Yams' complex carbohydrates and fiber deliver the goods gradually, slowing the rate at which their sugars are released and absorbed into the bloodstream. Because they're rich in fiber, yams fill you up without filling out your hips and waistline. Yams are also a good source of manganese, a trace mineral that helps with carbohydrate metabolism and is a cofactor in a number of enzymes important in energy production and antioxidant defenses.

At you can find our Farmacy Gourmet V-10 Creamy Yam Soup. It's a yummy way to offer your body all of the wonderful benefits that Yams have to offer.

Hook up with the benefits of YAMS today

Monday, February 19, 2007

Are you RAIS-IN your hands for a top antioxidant food?

Raisins rank among the top antioxidant foods, according to USDA government tests. Early findings suggest that eating plenty of fruits high in antioxidants, such as raisins may help slow the processes associated with aging in both body and brain.

Andrew J. Dannenberg, M.D. a cancer researcher at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University reports that the antioxidant catechin, found in raisins and some other fruits and vegetables, in the diet of mice genetically predisposed to intestinal tumors reduced the number of tumors by at least 70 percent compared to the control group. This type of study adds to the body of evidence which shows that components of fruits and vegetables have the potential to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, colorectal adenomas and other gastrointestinal tumors.

Carl L. Keen, Ph.D. from the University of California Davis reports that a significant amount of raisins eaten daily for 4 weeks increased the plasma antioxidant capacity. This in turn decreased the level of circulating oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) also known as the “bad cholesterol”. These data clearly show raisins are an important part of 5-a-day diet and that benefits of eating raisins are similar to benefits seen when eating other fruits and vegetables with these plant antioxidants.

Christine D. Wu, M.S., Ph.D. of the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Dentistry has found that raisins contain compounds including oleanolic acid that inhibit in vitro growth of Streptococcus.mutans, the bacteria in the mouth responsible for tooth decay. Oleanic acid and other compounds in raisins also inhibit organisms associated with periodontal disease, including Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Oleanolic acid is most effective in suppressing in vitro plaque formation by Streptococcus mutans. Prevention of plaque building up on the tooth surface is critical both for preventing tooth decay and promoting healthy gums.

Mary Ellen Camire, Ph.D. of the University of Maine reports that dietary fiber and other components may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer by binding bile acids and causing their elimination from the body. Camire’s study confirms that eating fibrous foods, such as raisins, stimulates the body to replace the bile acids that have been eliminated by making them from its own cholesterol, thus potentially lowering serum cholesterol and the risk of coronary heart disease. Furthermore, bile acids that are bound by fibers such as those in raisins will not be metabolized to a more toxic form and this may potentially reduce cancer risk.

Gene A. Spiller, Ph.D. of the Sphera Foundation and Health Research Studies Center - Los Altos, CA reports feeding of raisins along with peanuts to 10-12 year old children prior to a soccer game resulted in lower increases in blood glucose and insulin than a snack of a white bagel and jam. This is important because it means a more steady fuel supply to the exercising muscle of the young players. Lower insulin levels are advantageous because high levels of circulating insulin can promote the laying down of fat and may lead to insulin resistance, a concern among US children today, where rates of obesity and type 2 Diabetes are increasing.

You, your family and your children can enjoy all of the health benefits that raisins have to offer with your favorite Wholefood Farmacy foods such as Phi Plus, Cranberry Phi, Fruitalicious, Fruitalicious Plus and Cornaborealis.

Hook up with Health and Raisins today!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Where's the Fruit?


According to a study released by the Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments over half of the most aggressively advertised children’s foods that prominently feature fruit on their packaging contain no fruit at all. Did you hear that? There was no fruit at all!!!!

The study - Where’s the Fruit? reveals that 51 percent of these commercially sold products do not contain fruit, and another 16 percent contain only minimal amounts of fruit despite prominent fruit promotions on the packaging.

“Parents drawn to products that seem healthier for their children based on references to fruit on the packaging are being deceived,” explains Leslie Mikkelsen, a registered dietician with the Strategic Alliance and lead author of the study. “Food and beverage companies are some of the most sophisticated communicators in the world and are clearly capable of accurately reflecting what is in their products if they wanted to.”

The Where’s the Fruit? study identifies the most heavily advertised children’s food products that include words and images of fruit and/or fruit ingredients on the packaging. A total of 37 products were included in the final study, and their ingredient lists were analyzed to determine the presence of fruit ingredients. A full 51% of the products contained no fruit ingredients at all despite the images of fruits and use of words such as “fruity,” “fruit flavors” and “berry” on the packaging.

“The nation is facing a staggering epidemic of chronic diseases that result from poor eating and physical inactivity,” cautions Dr. Andria Ruth, a pediatrician for the Diabetes Resource Center of Santa Barbara. “Children are particularly affected and these food companies are making parents’ jobs even harder by using misleading packaging to lead them to think that they are making a healthy choice when they are not."

If you’re tired of being misled when it comes to the food that your children eat, then let www.hookupwithhealth.wholefoodfarmacy be your oasis of truth amidst this desert of deception.

At Hook Up With Health we believe in truthfully describing our products and we don’t rely on fancy artwork or neon colored pictures to get the job done. All of our full sized food packages feature a clear see-though front panel so that you can actually see what’s inside.

Fruitalicious is 100% Fruit - and we’re proud to show you what’s inside.

With your health and wellness in mind!

Friday, January 12, 2007

How to Avoid the Dangers of Contaminated Food?

In September 2006 an outbreak of E. coli sickened over 100 people in 21 states and killed at least one peron.1 Recently grocers were forced to pull spinach from their shelves after learning of a dangerous bacterial contamination. Infectous contamination hits even quality restaurants, organic produce farmers, and fast-food alike.

How can you protect yourself? In his January 2007 Health Confidential Newsletter Dr. Al Sears offers this insight...

There are easy and effective steps you can take to reduce your exposure and lower your threat from infectious agents in your food.

First, start by understanding what Infectious Diseases are and how they spread.

Infectious Diseases are illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses and other microbes.

Infectious diseases have historically been the leading cause of death worldwide and are still the third leading cause of death in the US-where the annual cost of medical care for treating them is estimated at $120 billion.2

Infectious diseases spread by at least 4 routes:

1. Direct contact with an infected person or animal.
2. Ingesting contaminated food or water.
3. Insects like mosquitoes or ticks.
4. Contaminated surroundings like animal droppings or even air.3

Since foodborne Illnesses are becoming more common, it's also helpful to learn the red flags associated with each illness and the steps you can take to avoid them.

Common Foodborne Illness Red Flags...

The most common Foodborne Illnesses are caused by the bacteria E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella and Campylobacter or bya group of viruses called Norwalkviruses.4

Major Symptoms
Source of Outbreaks

E. coli 0157:H7
Severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting (accompanied by little or no fever)
Undercooked beef, unpasteurized (raw) milk or juice, raw produce, contaminated water

Diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting
Eggs, poultry, unpasteurized (raw) milk or juice, cheese, raw produce

Diarrhea (often bloody), cramps, fever, vomiting
Undercooked poultry, unpasteurized (raw) milk, contaminated water

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, fever
Poorly-cooked shellfish, ready-to-eat foods touched by infected handlers—such as salads and sandwiches

Finally, learn how Foodborne Illnesses effect you.

E. coli 0157:H7 is one of hundreds of strains of the bacterium Escherichia coli. Most strains are harmless and live in the intestines of healthy humans and animals. However, this particular strain produces a powerful toxin that can cause severe illness.5

The vast majority of E. coli 0157:H7 outbreaks are associated with eating undercooked, contaminated ground beef (or swimming in sewage-contaminated water). However, the recent outbreaks of E. coli 0157:H7 in organic spinach and bagged produce underscore the possible associated with all kinds of foods.

Other spreaders of E. coli in 2006 include Taco Bell, Wendy's, Dole and a large California organic spinach farm.

Salmonella (discovered by the American scientist named Salmon) is actually a group of bacteria that causes diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps. (as a note I had a family member who contracted salmonella at a day care and had diarrhea for 5 weeks, couldn't go back to the day care, and was contacted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). These symptoms are for real!!)

In recent years, a new strain of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella-much of it from ground beef-has emerged and become more of a problem over the last decade. If you have poor underlying health or weakened immune systems, Salmonella can invade the bloodstream and cause life-threatening infections.

Recent case: Salmonella lawsuit filed against Wal-Mart - 2006.

Campylobacter is one of the most common bacterial causes of diarrhea in the United Sates-as well as the underlying cause of ulcers and intestinal distress.6 It usually does not pose a threat to your life. The key is to stay hydrated well by drinking lots of water.

Noroviruses-though hard to diagnose-are extremely common Foodborne Illnesses. Infected kitchen workers can contaminate a salad or sandwich as they prepare it, if they have the virus on their hands.

Despite the recent Norovirus Olive Garden outbreak, which sickened over 400 people, the Florida-based restaurant chain "maintains that it already has the industry's leading health and safety practices." 7

In addition, Noroviruses can be extremely dangerous-particularly among the elderly. Other outbreaks have occurred in other restaurants, nursing homes and even cruise ships.

Just how common are they?

Roughly 76 million Americans become sick...
More than 325,000 are hospitalized...
And 5,000 die each year from foodborne illness!8

Hook up with a Healthy Immune system today!!

PS. THE LIQUITHON products found at can help you detoxify and revitalize your body.


1 CNN. E. coli spinach scare increases to 21 states.
2 Infectious Diseases Sourcebook: Health Reference Series, 1st Edition. Omnigraphics. Copyright 2004, Page ix
3 Infectious Diseases Sourcebook: Health Reference Series, 1st Edition. Omnigraphics. Copyright 2004, Page 3
5 Infectious Diseases Sourcebook: Health Reference Series, 1st Edition. Page 75
6 "Two Win Nobel Prize for Discovering Bacterium Tied to Stomach Ailments," By LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN, Published: October 4, 2005
7 Health Dept.: Norovirus Caused Olive Garden Outbreak -
8 Nutrition Action Health Letter - "Bugs Are Breaking Out All Over", December 2006. Page 4

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wishing You A Happy and A "HEALTHY" 2007

2007 is here... Happy New Year everyone!!

Do any of you include resolution making as part of your New Year event?

I used to make resolutions... then I found out I'd broken more than I'd kept. So I scrapped that idea and came up with a new system that works for me.

My new strategy focuses on both short and long term goals. What do I need to do this week and what do I need to do long term?

Short term goals might include following up on a bank statement that doesn't look right or creating an agenda for a meeting I'm attending or writing in this blog.

Long term goals definitely include health and wellness goals like maintaining perfect health and having all the energy I need to keep up with myself, my family, and my busy schedule.

Remeber Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-377 B.C.). He had a great vision. Hear what he had to say all those years ago, "Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food"

At Hook Up with Health our mission is Health and Wellness through food and to embrace, educate, and inspire people to live the “7 Principles of Health” which are the foundation of a preventative based lifestyle.

The 7 Principles of Health!

1. Fresh Air & Sunshine
2. Pure Water
3. Whole Foods
4. Excerise (primarily Walking)
5. Loving Relationships
6. Passion to follow your dreams
7. A Good Night Sleep

To that end, offers healthy, convenient whole food based meals & snacks, non-toxic personal care items, and a website dedicated to "self-care" and a preventative based lifestyle.

Add health and wellness to your long-term goals for 2007. can help.

Have a Happy and a "HEALTHY" New Year.