Sunday, September 09, 2007

Can Children Learn to Eat Healthy?

Teaching children from a young age to eat healthy fats can have lifelong health benefits according to

a new study
published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation in August, 2007.

The study focused on over one thousand children in Findland who were followed from the age of 7

months through age 14. The
researchers found that children who were taught to focus on the

healthy fats found in fish, nuts, seeds, and plant oils had slightly lower cholesterol levels compared

to children who ate an
unrestricted diet by the time they reached the age of 14.

Dr. Art Labovitz, cardiology director at Saint Louis University School of Medicine pointed out that even a

small decrease in
cholesterol levels can have a big influence over the course of your child’s life.

“If you study large numbers of people, the
small increments result in a significant change in heart attacks

and cardiac deaths,” said Dr. Art Labovitz.

Dr. Harri Niinikoski, lead author of the study done at the
University of Turku in Finland, said children begin

forming their
eating and lifestyle habits in childhood. “We think that this lifestyle change can be started

early,” he said.

Dr. Sarah Blumenschein, a pediatric cardiologist with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical

Center, said the study
shows that early intervention is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. “The

earlier you intervene, the more likely you are
going to be successful,” she said.

The key is to teach your children, starting as young as possilbe,
to appreciate the healthy fats found in

fish, nuts, seeds, and
plant oils. By avoiding the saturated fas and trans fats which are in most

processed foods,
fast foods and junk foods – your children will lower their total fat intake and enjoy more

of the benefits that healthy fats have
to offer. As your children grow into their teens and begin eating

more meals away from home, their healthy habits will guide them
towards healthier food choices when


We encourage parents everywhere to read the nutrition information on the foods that their children eat.

The healthy fats are listed
as unsaturated fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

The unhealthy fats are listed as saturated fats and trans fats.

Wholefood Farmacy foods are rich in heart healthy fats which are found in nuts, seeds, and plant oils –

and these foods offer you
a wonderful way to encourage healthy eating habits with your children starting

at a young age. Great tasting Whole Food Farmacy foods, such as Phi Plus, Cornucopia,
and Bucky Balls can be easily introduced to your children.
Please note, many of the Whole Food Farmacy products are a combination of wonderfully healthy

ingredients therefore it is advisable to read the nutritional information available on each product ahead

of your purchase to prevent issues children may have with food allergies.

Hook your children up with heart healthy meal replacements and snacks today!