Thursday, July 12, 2007

Can Raw Food Cure Illness?

In March 2005 Dr. James Howenstine, MD. wrote and article for addressing the very question, "Can Raw Food Cure Illness?"

He writes, "How much raw foods can accomplish in treating chronic illnesses is well illustrated by the immigrant Russian, Igor Boutenko’s family. Their son Sergie, age 9, was a heavy consumer of dairy products who had become obese and developed juvenile diabetes with blood sugars ranging from 200 to 400. His mother was encouraged to have him stop the use of dairy products and cooked foods and eat only raw foods. He initially balked but when confronted with the prospect of a life full of insulin injections decided to give the diet a try (high intake of dairy products is known to produce juvenile diabetes). Within two weeks he felt so much better he asked his mother if he could continue the raw food diet. Five months later his blood sugars had returned to normal. He remains in good health at age 20.

Father Igor at age 38 had developed hyperthyroidism with white hair, insomnia, fatigue, heart rate of 150 and a progressing arthritis. He was advised to have radioiodine therapy. Igor began the raw food diet and in a few months all his symptoms were gone.

Daughter Valya had been ill from infancy and developed asthma at age 9 with fatigue. On the raw diet her asthma disappeared as did the fatigue.

Doug Graham DC grew up taking antibiotics. He had nasal tubes to drain his sinuses and was annoyed by severe dandruff and a progressive spinal arthritis. At age 23 he already had severe changes of osteoarthritis in neck x-rays. At age 25 he started a raw food diet. Within 3 years all his symptoms had disappeared and his neck x-rays had returned to normal. The healing of bony abnormalities by simple dietary changes gives strong proof about the importance of what we eat."

These individuals are not alone in moving toward perfect health by changing their diet. Whole Food Farmacy receives numerous testimonials which speak of the amazing health benefits customers receive while on the 13-Day Tri-Decathlon and the 13-Day Liquithon.

Can eating raw food help your health condition? Isn't it worth it to you to find out how great you can feel in just13-Days?

Try the 13-day Tri-Decathlon or Liquithon today at

You may be surprised by an additional benefit of moving toward your ideal weight. Now wouldn't that be great!

With your health and wellness through raw food in mind.