Monday, April 02, 2007

Don't be fooled by all "ZERO" Trans Fat claims!

Some information came across my desk last week that really got me fired up and I want you to know about it and pass it along to your friends.

We have all seen the signs on our junk food - Zero Trans fats- and we feel good that we can eat these beloved products guilt free. Right? WRONG!

Do you know what Zero trans fats really means?
1. If a product has less than 1/2 gram or less per serving of Trans Fats, then the label can say "Zero Trans Fats." That's the first issue.
2. What if the serving size used to be 20 crackers? Well that has too many trans fats so now the companies manipulate the serving size to 3 crackers per serving so that the amount of trans fats per serving will be less than 1/2gram. Will you only eat 3 crackers?
3. Some products really don't have trans fats so how will you know?

You must still read the labels.
80% of the products that say Zero Trans fats have hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats in the ingredients. Read the ingredients.

Remember why we don't want trans fats? Coronary Heart Disease. Trans fats increase the LDL's or "bad cholesterol" while lowering the HDL's or "good" cholesterol. In 1994 trans fats caused 30,000 deaths from heart disease. Trans fats make your cell membranes stiff which diminishes your ability to eliminate cellular waste (getting rid of toxins.)

Hook up with health by staying informed and reading product labels - starting today.