Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ten Great Tips for Staying Healther

A HEALTHY and Happy New Year to all of YOU!

I’ve complied a list of the Top 10 Tips to Stay Healthy this year. If your health is important to you, and it should be, bookmark this page for easy reference throughout the year.

1. Be Personally Responsible For Your Health

If you don’t take good care of your health do you really think other people will treat you any better? Strive to be healthy. Give yourself reasons to stay healthy, whatever they are - such as an upcoming event you’re looking forward to. Take ownership of your health.

2. Think About Your Health Often

Your health is important. If you don’t believe it think back to the last time you had the flu or other illness. How did you feel then? Run down, not at all healthy! This is why you need to put your health in the forefront of your mind. Sometimes it requires a little bit of planning. Will you be staying late at the office? Then pack healthy food and bring it with you instead of eating only snacks from the vending machine. For those with children its equally important to plan for their health too. Are you giving them healthy snacks? Many today are not. As a result we have an obesity issue in our nation’s children and its very unhealthy. This is exactly why teaching your children about making healthy choices is so important.

3. Make Healthy Choices

In this day and age it’s easy to consume excesses without even trying. Decide for yourself if you can live with a half a portion instead of a whole one. Select water over soft drinks MOST of the time. Moderate yourself from excesses. Drink plenty of water. Sleep enough. Exercise your body and your mind. Get outdoors for some fresh air and sunshine. And, enjoy life.

4. Buy Organic as Often as Possible

Hands down, organic foods taste better and are better for you. Plus, you want the least amount of pesticides you can going into your blood stream - which is better for your overall health and for the health of our planet. Look for Certified Organic products and 100% Organic produce, foods, and nuts.

Please note, as of December 2007, Hook Up With Health is now offering organic foods, certified by Oregon Tilth. Three great products were certified organic - Phi Plus, Cranberry Phi Plus, and Coco Cherry Phi. Certification for more of our great-tasting food products will follow, throughout 2008. In the meantime, know that we handcraft our products using all natural, GMO free, whole food ingredients without the use of any artifical flavorings, colorings, or sweetners. And, you won’t find any type of chemical preservatives in our foods either.

5. Eliminate Hydrogenated Foods From Your Diet

Very simply, the Hydrogenation Process masks the fact that your food can be rancid. Do you really want to be eating potentially rancid food? If not, then avoid hydrogenated foods at all costs. This includes crackers, cookies, chips, and many of the quick foods we reach for when we just want a snack. Read the Labels.

6. Read the Labels

Labels are not so clear cut. Chemicals and preservatives can be hidden in the guise of “Spices.” Be selective. Reading the labels will help. Remember, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. Eat lots of food with no labels at all (aka raw fruits and vegetables). Remember to read the labels of your cleaning products too. Many cleaning products have a laundry list of toxins. Buy only environmentally friendly cleaning products for home and office for better health.

7. Work on Ensuring Healthy Relationships

Stress from Relationships (whatever the relationship) is draining and wears you down. Take steps to either heal the relationship or heal yourself of the relationship if the former is not an alternative. This is one of the greatest steps you can take toward positive health.

8. Develop a Positive Attitude

Attitude plays an enormous role in health and healing. A positive attitude is a key trigger for maintaining your overall health. A negative attitude drags you down and, frankly, everyone around you. Yes, it’s not always easy to stay positive, especially when someone cuts your off on the road and you might slip up here and there. It happens. It’s important for your to find ways to stay positive (there are many great authors to learn from in this category), learn from your mistakes instead of wallowing in them or beating yourself up, and wear a smile in your heart for better overall health.

9. Educate Yourself on How to Improve Your Health

Topics included nutrition and physical activity. Health topics include hazards like smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and the shortfalls of the typical American diet. Physical activity themes are to find ways to move more and avoid processed or refined foods.

Note: Hook Up With Health is a fantastic place to educate yourself on Health and Wellness, especially when it comes to fining out more about today’s health issues and for great tasting snacks and meal replacements. Find out more at www.hookupwithhealth.wholefoodfarmacy.com.

10. Supplement with Vitamins and Minerals

Today’s food is void of many of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to stay healthy. A good bio-available multi-vitamin will help you stay healthy. To tell the bio-availability of a vitamin drop it in warm water (about 97 degrees - or roughly the same as our normal body temperature) and watch what happens to the vitamin within the first 5 minutes. Does the vitamin still have a hard coating around it or is the vitamin infusing with the water? What happens after 10 minutes. The infused vitamin is the more bio-available and works faster to deliver the nutrients your body needs. .

BONUS TIP - Live In Gratitude

Trying to keep up with the Jones adds stress. For healthy living learn to be thankful for what you have then set definite plans in place to attain what you want. Use a “gratitude rock” or other token as a symbolic reminder to be gratitude every day. Hold the token and tell the world what it is you are grateful for. Remember, if you look around the globe, you are likely more well off than 70% of the population. You have much to be grateful for - especially for your health.

So this is it, The Top Ten Ways for YOU to Stay Healthy this year. Set a goal to re-read this page once per month to help stay focused on your health.

All the best wishes for a HAPPY and HEALTHY 2008!!!

Hook up With Health Today!
