Monday, November 06, 2006

Why are Pumpkins Seeds a Great Family Snack?

Save those pumpkin seeds! Pumpkin seeds support the function of the immune system, assist prostate health and help lower cholesterol levels. They are also a useful source of omega 3 fatty acids and zinc. Enjoy a time of family fun by roasting your pumpkin seeds and turning them into a healthy whole food treat. Remove the seeds from the pumpkin's inner cavity and wipe them off with a paper towel to remove excess pulp. Spread them out evenly on a paper bag and let them dry out overnight. The next day, place them in a single layer on a cookie sheet and light roast them in a 160-170ºF oven for 15-20 minutes. By roasting them for a short time at a low temperature you can help to preserve their healthy oils. Its lots of fun and your family will reap the rewards of a healthy snack.

For more great family snacks try Cornucopia, a delicious crunchy roasted corn snack that's out of this world. For more information visit