WARNING - USA Today is Reporting an outbreak in Salmonella allegedly in some Peanut Butter Crackers. Take this seriously. Salmonella is nothing to play around with as it is easily spread and can linger in your system for many weeks.
I am speaking from experience.
My youngest was diagnosed with salmonella at 2 1/2. There was an outbreak in her day care center; in this case, apparently spread through fecal matter.
We were constantly running to the doctor, having our child tested and re-tested. And we were changing diapers about once an hour. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) was in contact with us and my baby was not allowed back in the daycare until they gave us clearance.
We were also told to be very careful about what she eats as salmonella can return to a previously infected person very easily.
For more information on the current salmonella outbreak cut and paste the link below for the USA Today article.