Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wishing You A Happy and A "HEALTHY" 2007

2007 is here... Happy New Year everyone!!

Do any of you include resolution making as part of your New Year event?

I used to make resolutions... then I found out I'd broken more than I'd kept. So I scrapped that idea and came up with a new system that works for me.

My new strategy focuses on both short and long term goals. What do I need to do this week and what do I need to do long term?

Short term goals might include following up on a bank statement that doesn't look right or creating an agenda for a meeting I'm attending or writing in this blog.

Long term goals definitely include health and wellness goals like maintaining perfect health and having all the energy I need to keep up with myself, my family, and my busy schedule.

Remeber Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-377 B.C.). He had a great vision. Hear what he had to say all those years ago, "Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food"

At Hook Up with Health our mission is Health and Wellness through food and to embrace, educate, and inspire people to live the “7 Principles of Health” which are the foundation of a preventative based lifestyle.

The 7 Principles of Health!

1. Fresh Air & Sunshine
2. Pure Water
3. Whole Foods
4. Excerise (primarily Walking)
5. Loving Relationships
6. Passion to follow your dreams
7. A Good Night Sleep

To that end, hookupwithhealth.wholefoodfarmacy.com offers healthy, convenient whole food based meals & snacks, non-toxic personal care items, and a website dedicated to "self-care" and a preventative based lifestyle.

Add health and wellness to your long-term goals for 2007. www.hookupwithhealth.wholefoodfarmacy.com can help.

Have a Happy and a "HEALTHY" New Year.