When it comes to food more and more people are selecting products labeled as ORGANIC. I wonder, how many people really know what they're getting?
First, let's take a look at what the term ORGANIC means?
To most of us the term ORGANIC implies no use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizer, antibiotics, and hormone. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
So what exactly is ORGANIC?
The Webster Dictionary definition states:
1. Of or having to do with a bodily organ.
2. Inhernet; inborn
3. Systematically arranged
4. Designating or of any chemical compound containing carbon
5. Of, like, or derived from living organisms
Next, let's take a peek at our governments view.
The pureness of ORGANIC products vary. The actual amount of organic matter within the product varies by the ORGANIC phrasing found on the product label.
When a product states it's "Made with ORGANIC ingredients" this statement guarentees that ONLY 70% of the ingredients are ORGANIC.
If a product is labeled 100% ORGANIC you can be more confident that you are getting a fully ORGANIC product.
But what about the rest of the products labeled ORGANIC? Here's an eye opener... Our government requires ORGANIC products to have "at least" 95% of the ingredients produced organically. That means the remaining 5% might contain pesticides - LEGALLY. Just think about it, you can be eating a bowl of ORGANIC cereal and 5% of that product may have been grown with pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. That's probably not what you had in mind when you purchased the cereal.
At Whole Food Farmacy we have a different philosophy on ORGANIC products. We actually prefer to use the term "ORGONIC". "ORGONIC" means life energy and without question our Wholefood Farmacy food products are snacks and meals you can enjoy with peace of mind. All of our products are handcrafted with ingredients that are free from artificial and synthetic preservatives, synthetic additives, articial flavors, artificial colors and fragrances, synthetic chemicals, hydrogenated oils or trans fats and are GMO and animal cruelty free.
You'll really love our PHI PLUS... a high energy snack and food that contains 72 different healthful fruits, nuts, and berries.
Check out our line of good for you and great tasting products by visiting our website, www.hookupwithhealth.wholefoodfarmacy.com.
Your health depends upon it!