Health and Wellness through Food & DRINK...
About a week ago I was introduced to a new ionized bottled water product / business by Mark Victor Hansen (co-author of the best selling series, "Chicken Soup for the Soul"). His message is clearly stated below.
The failure to provide safe drinking water and adequate sanitation services to all people is perhaps the greatest development failure of the 20th century. The most egregious consequence of this failure is the high rate of mortality among young children from preventable water-related diseases. If no action is taken to address unmet basic human needs for water, as many as 135 million people will die from these diseases by 2020.
Our use of man made chemicals is so extensive that we now find traces of low level toxins in virtually every public water supply in the world. A recent report stated, after reviewing over 10,000 documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, that "U.S. drinking water contains more than 2100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer.”
In many municipalities the water infrastructure system contains pipes laid more than a century ago and are rotting. The EPA tracks over 90 contaminants in drinking water including microbes like E coli, and parasites like cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia, radium 226/228, radon gas, asbestos, cyanide, arsenic, lead, mercury, and disinfectants like chlorine dioxide.
“Water is blue gold, it's terribly precious," says Maude Barlow, who chairs for the Council of Canadians, an Ottawa-based citizens' watchdog. "Not too far in the future, we're going to see a move to surround and commodify the world's fresh water. Just as they've divvied up the world's oil, in the coming century there's going to be a grab."
Water had to be our first product. Our premise is simple:
If you could care for your health and that of your family while working to eradicate the lack of safe drinking water world-wide, would you do it?
If the water you need everyday could be a health-enhancing elixir, would you use it?
If you could lock in the price of quality water for three years, would you do it?
If you could create sustainable health and wealth, would you do it?
We answered yes to all four and that’s why we're the first members of Water 4 Life. And we know you're like us!
We live in a world of quick fixes, busy schedules there is limited time for properly caring for your health. We are becoming more toxic, resulting in increased illness, death and disability. These facts, coupled with aging local water supply systems and ever rising costs, point to a potential crisis in the making - clean life-sustaining water.
With Mark's Water 4 Life you can start prevention now by...
Immediately Enhancing Your Health
Reducing Cost and Gaining Convenience
Choosing to Create Sustainable Wealth
Having a Positive Impact the World
For more information on Mark's Water 4 Life product / business opportunity follow copy the link below into your web brower.
Remember the recommendation on drinking water is 8 glasses per day. In doing so make sure the water you drink is adding to your health not detracting from it.
Hook Up With Health and Mark's Water 4 Life today by linking to his new product website at www.markswater4life.com/friend?af=11061.
With your Health & Wellness in mind
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
HEART HEALTH: Heart Attack Survivors Hook Up with Fish Oil
According to the October 3, 2006 edition of The New York Times our government is preventing heart attach survivors from getting certain kinds of follow-up care that may be critical to their survival.
The story tells how doctors in Italy routinely prescribe fish oil to heart attack survivors. They believe it’s effectiveness has been proved to the point that they would consider it malpractice to omit it from a patient’s recovery.
Here in the US, don’t expect to get a prescription for fish oil from your cardiologist. You can’t buy Omacor, the only prescription fish oil for use in heart patients. The FDA prohibits its sale.
This means doctors throughout the country have their hands tied and heart attack survivors may be suffering or worse dying, as a result.
Many doctors are not even aware that fish oil is critical for heart patients. And even if they were, they don’t have the option of giving you a prescription for the one thing that might save your life. What’s more, even if your doctor did tell you about fish oil, your insurance wouldn’t pay for it.
Instead, American cardiologists recommend drugs and other high-profit items – everything from statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) to implantable defibrillators.
According to the article, should you try to obtain Omacor, the rules are so stringent; the first page of Omacor’s website asks you a question: “Are you an US citizen?” If you click “yes,” you’re taken to a page that does not mention anything about heart disease or heart attacks.... even though fish oil is also essential for the prevention of heart attacks and heart disease.
Fish oil contains good doses of the omega-3 family of fats including linolenic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids.
Omega-3s play a central role in protecting your cardiovascular system. A recent issue of Circulation reported how the heart uses omega-3s as protection.
Researchers found that the cell membranes of heart cells store omega-3 from fish oil. This storage prevents irregular rhythms, which can lead to sudden cardiac death. (Sudden cardiac death is responsible for 50% of heart-related deaths in the United Sates.)
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported a study showing that fish oil lowers triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are fats in your blood linked to heart disease. The participants took a fish oil supplement or a placebo. Those taking the fish oil had a decrease in triglycerides that reduced their chance of heart disease by 25%. The subjects taking the placebo showed no significant reduction.
The New York Times article refers to a now landmark study conducted by Italian researchers. After giving just one gram of fish oil to heart attack survivors every day, they reduced the number of deaths by 20% and the number of sudden deaths by 40%.
With all this evidence, the FDA still refuses to make fish oil available to you by prescription. Of course, you can still get fish oil and take it yourself.
Heat Attack Survivors listen up... it's time to Hook Up with Fish Oil and get on a heart healthy diet.
Great tasting raw food products are available for you at www.hookupwithhealth.wholefoodfarmacy.com.
While you're there check out the News & Events page. You'll be amazed at what you see & hear on our news videos.
Hook up with a healthy heart today.
The story tells how doctors in Italy routinely prescribe fish oil to heart attack survivors. They believe it’s effectiveness has been proved to the point that they would consider it malpractice to omit it from a patient’s recovery.
Here in the US, don’t expect to get a prescription for fish oil from your cardiologist. You can’t buy Omacor, the only prescription fish oil for use in heart patients. The FDA prohibits its sale.
This means doctors throughout the country have their hands tied and heart attack survivors may be suffering or worse dying, as a result.
Many doctors are not even aware that fish oil is critical for heart patients. And even if they were, they don’t have the option of giving you a prescription for the one thing that might save your life. What’s more, even if your doctor did tell you about fish oil, your insurance wouldn’t pay for it.
Instead, American cardiologists recommend drugs and other high-profit items – everything from statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) to implantable defibrillators.
According to the article, should you try to obtain Omacor, the rules are so stringent; the first page of Omacor’s website asks you a question: “Are you an US citizen?” If you click “yes,” you’re taken to a page that does not mention anything about heart disease or heart attacks.... even though fish oil is also essential for the prevention of heart attacks and heart disease.
Fish oil contains good doses of the omega-3 family of fats including linolenic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids.
Omega-3s play a central role in protecting your cardiovascular system. A recent issue of Circulation reported how the heart uses omega-3s as protection.
Researchers found that the cell membranes of heart cells store omega-3 from fish oil. This storage prevents irregular rhythms, which can lead to sudden cardiac death. (Sudden cardiac death is responsible for 50% of heart-related deaths in the United Sates.)
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported a study showing that fish oil lowers triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are fats in your blood linked to heart disease. The participants took a fish oil supplement or a placebo. Those taking the fish oil had a decrease in triglycerides that reduced their chance of heart disease by 25%. The subjects taking the placebo showed no significant reduction.
The New York Times article refers to a now landmark study conducted by Italian researchers. After giving just one gram of fish oil to heart attack survivors every day, they reduced the number of deaths by 20% and the number of sudden deaths by 40%.
With all this evidence, the FDA still refuses to make fish oil available to you by prescription. Of course, you can still get fish oil and take it yourself.
Heat Attack Survivors listen up... it's time to Hook Up with Fish Oil and get on a heart healthy diet.
Great tasting raw food products are available for you at www.hookupwithhealth.wholefoodfarmacy.com.
While you're there check out the News & Events page. You'll be amazed at what you see & hear on our news videos.
Hook up with a healthy heart today.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Prunes - Not just for Grandma any more!
Prunes are a terrifc source of fiber and have long been recognized as a nutrient-rich fruit with multiple health benefits. Now, according to a recent study from Tufts University in Boston, prunes may also help slow the aging process in both the body and brain.
The study ranked the antioxidant value of commonly eaten fruits and vegetables using an analysis called ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity). PRUNES TOPPED THE LIST with more than twice the antioxidant capacity as other high-scoring fruits such as blueberries and raisins.
ORAC is a test tube analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other chemical substances. Early findings suggest that this same antioxidant activity translates to animals, protecting cells and their components from oxidative damage.
"If these studies are borne out in further research, young and middle-aged people may be able to reduce their risk of diseases of aging – including senility – simply by adding high antioxidant foods to their diets," said Floyd P. Horn, administrator of the USDA's Agricultural Research Service, in Beltsville, Md.
The role of fruits and vegetables in health promotion and disease prevention may also be related to nutrients, other than the vitamins, minerals and fiber, found in these plant-based foods. In addition to well-known antioxidant vitamins A and C and beta-carotene, there are over 1,800 other biologically active compounds that have been identified in foods. Research is just beginning to identify these nutrients and to describe their activity in the human body; however, many are believed to offer the protective benefits of antioxidants.
At The Wholefood Farmacy, the fiber and antioxidant benefits of prunes can found in Phi Plus and DetoxiPhi, two of the most popular foods in the Wholefood Farmacy family.
Hook up with the health benefits of prunes and get your Phi Plus today.
With your health and wellness through food in mind,
Prunes are a terrifc source of fiber and have long been recognized as a nutrient-rich fruit with multiple health benefits. Now, according to a recent study from Tufts University in Boston, prunes may also help slow the aging process in both the body and brain.
The study ranked the antioxidant value of commonly eaten fruits and vegetables using an analysis called ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity). PRUNES TOPPED THE LIST with more than twice the antioxidant capacity as other high-scoring fruits such as blueberries and raisins.
ORAC is a test tube analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other chemical substances. Early findings suggest that this same antioxidant activity translates to animals, protecting cells and their components from oxidative damage.
"If these studies are borne out in further research, young and middle-aged people may be able to reduce their risk of diseases of aging – including senility – simply by adding high antioxidant foods to their diets," said Floyd P. Horn, administrator of the USDA's Agricultural Research Service, in Beltsville, Md.
The role of fruits and vegetables in health promotion and disease prevention may also be related to nutrients, other than the vitamins, minerals and fiber, found in these plant-based foods. In addition to well-known antioxidant vitamins A and C and beta-carotene, there are over 1,800 other biologically active compounds that have been identified in foods. Research is just beginning to identify these nutrients and to describe their activity in the human body; however, many are believed to offer the protective benefits of antioxidants.
At The Wholefood Farmacy, the fiber and antioxidant benefits of prunes can found in Phi Plus and DetoxiPhi, two of the most popular foods in the Wholefood Farmacy family.
Hook up with the health benefits of prunes and get your Phi Plus today.
With your health and wellness through food in mind,
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